Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yes, Virginia... they let this man have a blog.

Having resisted the urge to join twitter as long as possible, I had felt that I could at least hold out on entering the madcap world of blogging... alas, the urge to vomit forth my stream of consciousness for all the internet to see was too great, and I felt compelled to take the plunge, so to speak, and fully surrender to the 21st century.

So why blog at all?

Well, perhaps the greatest virtue of the internet is that it offers us access to the opinions, insights, and wisdom of the rest of the world.  Hoping to participate in this grand dialogue of human musing, I decided that a blog like this would be an ideal venue for me to air my own philosophical pondering for the world at large, hoping to provide an outlet not only for my own thought, but for the possibility of dialogue with others.  This is a place for me to put my thoughts and opinions on things in a place where they or open to the criticisms or benefit of others; I do not pretend to have any answers, nor do I expect anyone stumbling upon this corner of the internet to agree with me... but I hope to provide a source for musing to anyone who might happen this way.

I suppose that ultimately this blog is largely a journal of my own ideological journey, and thus who knows what direction it might take or what sort of things one may find here.  Thoughts on morality, religion, the nature of humanity, and the state of the world should abound here... and any and all ideas are welcome.

After all, an idea... any idea, is a terrible thing to throw out right away.

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